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In Vivo Imaging System, FOBI, and LUCI at the AACR (2023.04.14~19) - Cellgentek (West L2, #215)

Writer's picture: 김진기김진기

Join us at the Cellgentek booth at AACR 2023, where we'll be showcasing our fluorescent In Vivo Imaging System, FOBI, and bioluminescent In Vivo Imaging System, LUCI from April 14th to 19th at the Orange County Converntion Center, Orlando, Florida.

(Booth: West Building Level 2, Number 215)

FOBI is a device that can image and analyze fluorescent signals from tissues and organisms. Images of various fluorescent proteins and dyes are taken using 4 channels consisting of Blue, Green, Red, and NIR. Using an optimized light source, filter, and color camera for macro-imaging, FOBI can obtain intuitive and high quality images. This configuration clearly distinguishes between background and signal without further analysis and is also available through a live window.

LUCI is a device that can image and analyze Luminescence signals from tissues and organisms. Using an optimized camera for macro-imaging, LUCI can obtain intuitive and high quality images. NEOimage program providing with LUCI analyzes luminescence images easily. LUCI has a simple design, is easy to use, fast and reliable.

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